Phiten really works !

by Selene
(United States)

I just wanted to comment on your article about Phiten Titanium products. Myself and several of my friends have been wearing Phiten bracelets for almost a year now, and their product works!

We are average people, not athletic or anything like that. We have real aches and pains. I have severe degenerative spinal arthritis... and I need to have surgery on my cervical and lumbar spine. A tri-level fusion on my lumbar spine and my neck as well. These bracelets work! I have stopped taking any kind of pain relievers. I was constantly having sinus headaches that left me feeling miserable. Since I have been wearing Phiten products I feel like a different person. I can actually walk through the mall without having spasms in my lower back causing me to have to stop until it passes. I also had swelling in my hands and my ankles, but no longer, thanks to Phiten! It is not my imagination, it truely works.

I have gone for a time without my bracelets just to see what would happen, and it wasn't good, I had to put them back on to get relief! A good friend of mine has lupus and the bracelet eases her pains that accompany the disease. She just recently was married and took her X30 Phiten bracelet off for her special day. By 4:00 that day, she was miserable and had put it back on. We are ordinary people with a story to tell... and our story is that Phiten products work!!!!! I am blessed to have found this wonderful product, because I would not be able to go without it! They are scientists that have created this product... you are not. Have you ever worn their products? I can probably answer this one for you... NO!

You have no clue what you are talking about, and how dare you try to pick apart something that genuinely gives people REAL pain relief! Your article has made me very angry. Myself and 7 of my friends are living proof that the product works! Shame on you... Sincerely, Selene

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Nov 09, 2015
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May 08, 2015
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Sep 09, 2011
It really works
by: Oliver

Regardless of what critics say, I'm just glad this works for me. I am a true believer and will forever use Phitens product. Thank you!

Aug 29, 2011
You gotta know what you talking about:
by: Jacob

You gotta know what you talking about before you even sell these products like you say you do. You don't even understand the body system on how this would work for the body. What kind of doctor commented on this product saying it is like religion?

Do you know that our body system has electro flows? People who has too much time on their hand online likes to post bull to start problems...get a life

Dec 21, 2010
Selene, it's called the placebo effect.
by: Anonymous

Phiten products, power balance, etc. are just clever marketing schemes. We had a doctor come into our store (we sell these products) and his customers were asking for them. He said that if a individual believes something will work...sometimes it does. Kind of like religion you know?


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