Titanium crowbar is a unique blend of special metal properties and special applications

A titanium crowbar doesn’t differ too much from a regular steel crowbar at a first and superficial glance. We’re talking about a rather peculiar shaped long rod of metal, with one or possibly two forked ends.

Personally, I’ve never used one except in video games. Come to think of it, I’ve never needed to open any wooden crates in real life, and, as an office mouse I never have to move heavy pieces of machinery.

But, since there is a product, it means there are people that need that product so much, that they really want to pay for it.

What do you use a crowbar anyway? Practically, it’s a crude lever meant to push aside objects that are too heavy to be lifted by sheer physical force. As old Archimedes once said, “Give me whereon to stand, and I’ll move the Earth”.

Why such a crowbar should me made from titanium is an entirely different story. If you just need something to open your car trunk, or you have a warehouse and need to pry open wooden boxes, you’re best bet would be a plain, pure steel crowbar. Same job, half the price.

The reasons for deciding to purchase crowbar made out from titanium would have to be tied to titanium’s special properties. Because, being the great metal we know titanium really is, titanium indeed makes some crowbars that do make up for their price, in some special fields.

The first obvious quality of a titanium crowbar is lightness. Lightness and titanium? I know you’re thinking just what I’m thinking. Mountains, of course. More specifically, mountain climbing. If you climbing a rock, there are several spots in it that look just like the right place to put a handhold or a bolt. However, some of them are not as securely attached as they should be? What do you do with them? Dislodge them, obviously, so that they won’t peel of with some unlucky dude attached with them.

And what do you use to dislodge them with? With a very light crowbar; light enough to climb with it clipped onto your harness, and strong enough that you can give a really good crank to anything looking suspicious.

Apart from being light and strong, titanium is also corrosion resistant. Corrosion and titanium. What am I hinting at? Sea diving, of course. All life has come from the sea, and if those WWII SEAL veterans wouldn’t have needed knives, I may have never had the opportunity of writing about titanium. Titanium crowbars are often used by divers for wreck diving or salvage. Apart from the fact that such crowbars won’t rust, in the depth of the marine environment there is also the problem of density.

The weight of a regular crowbar would cause the diver to either be overweight while diving, or require that the diver wear less weight in their belt to maintain proper buoyancy. With a standard steel crowbar a diver would not only have more weight to carry around, but would also be off centered, making the use not very effective. That’s why a less dense crowbar with about the same strength as a steel one, like, let’s say… a titanium crowbar, is the perfect thing for such a job.

Titanium’s weak paramagnetic properties makes the titanium crowbar extremely suitable for situations involving extremely strong industrial magnets – strong enough to crush bones and requiring heavy shielding to transport. A steel titanium with inexorably stick to the magnets, rendering it virtually useless, while a titanium crowbar would actually do the job.

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