What is titanium's structure like?

by John
(San Diego)

There are two possible shapes for the internal structure of the titanium metal, alpha (called alpha phase) where the atoms are positioned in a hexagonal close-packed form, and beta phase, where the atoms are positioned in a body-centered cubic form. Titanium in beta phase is slightly denser than in alpha phase.

Pure titanium exists in form of α-phase at temperatures up to1621°F (883°C) and in form of β-phase at temperatures above 1621°F (883°C). The temperature of 1621°F (883°C) – is called Beta Transus Temperature – temperature of transition to the β-phase. Pure titanium is stable in α-phase until this temperature, where it transforms in β-phase. The beta phase is stable from 1621°F (883°C) to the melting point 3034°F (1668°C).

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